NATIX Map Interface

The data produced by this massive crowdsourced camera network needs to be collected and made available to buyers in an easy way. NATIX Map Interface is designed for enterprise Data Consumers, enabling them to subscribe and consume real-time data captured by NATIX’s internet of cameras.

Data Consumers can search, filter, and visualize already generated data across the network by the set of AI models (e.g., pothole detection AI). This functionality allows them to pre-screen the sample data before subscribing to the future data generated by the network. The interface also offers API integration to third-party systems (for real-time data delivery).

For example, a utility company looking for up-to-date information on road conditions could use this tool to see the pothole data already generated by NATIX Network. They can then subscribe to pothole data API and get notified when the network detects a new pothole. This data could be available as a live feed into their route planning system to help the staff, to manage service requests and respond effectively.

The protocol’s primary focus is on generating and delivering real-time data to consumers. However, to support users, NATIX Map Interface provides tools and necessary connections to store data permanently. We will initially support IPFS and S3 protocol and add more data bridges to other networks such as Ocean Protocol at later stages.

Last updated