
Only users with staked $NATIX Tokens will have governance power to ensure that only long-term token holders aligned with NATIX will be able to vote. To build an engaged community, the longer users have staked/locked the tokens, the more voting power such users would achieve. Users would receive staked $NATIX rewards for participating/engaging with governance. NATIX Network Governance will be rolled out in three phases:

  • Phase 1: Limited Governance – Proposals can be posted by the core contributors to the vote of the token holders on key issues such as protocol fees and major parameter changes

  • Phase 2: Increased Governance – Proposals can be posted by token stakers with a minimum amount of tokens for the vote of the token holders. These proposals can change protocol fees and other major parameters.

  • Phase 3: Full Decentralization – Proposals can be posted by token holders with a substantial amount of tokens and change any aspect of the protocol.

Last updated